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Student life

Hear about life at university abroad from students, alumni and the THE Student team.

Small group of young people sit in a close circle smiling / iStock

Why I chose to study a master’s degree in social work

Chinese international student Yuqi Liu shares his experience studying social work in Australia

Yuqi Liu

April 22 2024
People Hugging in Therapy

Dealing with mental health during my master’s degree

Luis Manuel Ontiveros-Meza, who experienced mental health challenges during his master’s degree, offers his top tips to help students navigate their own struggles

Luis Manuel Ontiveros-Meza

May 17 2024
Chess club

The power of societies and clubs for international students

Richard Ha, data science bachelor student and president of UMSU International at the University of Melbourne, shares his top tips on settling into university life as an international student.

Richard Ha

March 12 2024
person taking notes with lots of books open on desk/ iStock

The best way to take notes at university

Which note-taking method is the best? Do you prefer handwritten notes or a digital application? Let’s find out the best way to take notes for you

Grace McCabe

May 24 2024
Young woman holding her resume / iStock

How do you write a CV for your first job?

Garret Maher, executive director of The Global Undergraduate Awards, shares his top tips for building a strong CV for work after university

Garret Maher

April 19 2024

Working for a sustainable future as a university student

Victoria Guillemot found her passion for sustainability during her year abroad and shares how she used her time at university to continue pushing for change

Victoria Guillemot

March 13 2024

Stories from student alumni and university graduates

Read more alumni stories here

Female teacher

Women in STEM: from an international student to a science academic

Professor Bipasha Baruah, originally from India, writes about how studying abroad in Canada opened up doors for her to pursue a career in academia in STEM

Bipasha Baruah

April 2 2024
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